Why is Xeljanz So Expensive? [Top 11 Reasons]

Xeljanz is an expensive medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The cost of a month’s supply of Xeljanz can range from several hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars, depending on the dosage and form prescribed by your doctor.

Why Xeljanz is so expensive? It is due to its patented formulation, which includes key ingredients exclusive to the drug that is not found in other medications. Because it is a newer medication and there is no generic form, recently available for purchase through pharmacies, meaning pharmaceutical companies can charge more for it.

Xeljanz works by inhibiting certain proteins that cause inflammation in the body. This sets it apart from many older medications that often have more side effects and do not provide as much relief from symptoms as Xeljanz does.

Its innovative design also makes it easier for people with limited mobility or flexibility to take the medication, making it even more beneficial than traditional treatments. But its price is beyond affordability. Here we want to discuss its reasons and ways to get it on a low budget.

Why is Xeljanz So Expensive

Xeljanz is a medication used to treat a variety of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and ankylosing spondylitis. But all these benefits come at a price. It is an expensive medication due to several reasons.

1. Cost of Developing the Drug

It takes years and millions of dollars to develop a new drug. The cost of developing Xeljanz was quite high due to its innovative properties.

2. High Production Costs

Xeljanz is produced in specialized facilities that are costly to maintain and operate. Xeljanz is a complex drug, with many active ingredients and formulations. It works by blocking certain proteins in the body to reduce inflammation,

3. Limited Manufacturing Capacity

Due to the complex production process, there can only be a limited amount of Xeljanz manufactured per year, further driving up its price.

4. Lack of Generics/Competition

Since Xeljanz is still relatively new, there are no generic versions available yet and no major competition from other drugs in its class which keeps the price high.

5. Low Demand

Since Xeljanz is not prescribed for a wide range of conditions, demand for the drug tends to remain low which can contribute to higher prices since less people are requesting it from pharmacies or insurance companies.

6. Research & Development Costs

The cost for research and development associated with making sure that Xeljanz is safe and effective is passed on to consumers when they purchase it at the pharmacy or through their insurance plan. The complex drug involves numerous steps to produce, including quality control and standardization tests, which can take months to complete.

7. Patents/Intellectual Property Rights

Companies have invested significant resources into obtaining patents and intellectual property rights related to Xeljanz and they use these rights as leverage when pricing the drug so they can make back their investments plus profit from future sales. Patent protection is a major factor in the cost of Xeljanz. Manufacturers are able to secure patent protection for their product, meaning that no other company can legally produce a similar drug until the patent expires.

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8. Government Regulations & Restrictions on Pricing

Governments also regulate how much pharmaceutical companies can charge for certain medications which keep prices artificially high in some instances (i.e., caps on how much insurers will pay).

9. Risk Premiums

Pharmaceutical companies often add risk premiums into their pricing models when producing certain drugs like Xeljanz due to increased risks associated with developing them (i.e., potential side effects). Even with extensive research and clinical trials, there is still a risk that the drug may have dangerous or unexpected side effects, some of which can be serious. For this reason, manufacturers must carefully monitor the safety and efficacy of the drug to ensure that it meets stringent regulatory requirements for quality and safety.

10. Specialty Status

Many insurance companies require individuals who want access to prescription medications like Xeljanz to get prior authorization before they’ll cover it which adds extra steps and paperwork that can add additional costs onto medications like this one as well as delays in receiving treatment if approved after all that paperwork has been submitted/reviewed by insurers first before they’ll cover it under your plan or not at all if denied coverage altogether (which can leave people without access without any other options either).

11. Administrative Expenses

Finally, many pharmacies tack on administrative fees or costs related to stocking/storing/handling specialty medications like Xeljanz which generally aren’t included in the actual cost but added onto it. Advertising and promotion expenses are major contributors to the cost of Xeljanz. Pharmaceutical companies must spend money to promote and advertise their products in order to reach potential customers. This includes creating and running campaigns, producing print materials, digital marketing, attending medical events, and more. All of these costs add up, resulting in a higher overall price for Xeljanz for consumers.

Is It Worth To Spend More On Xeljanz

When it comes to Xeljanz, the main question is whether spending more money is worth it. The answer depends on several factors, including how severe your condition is and how well you respond to other treatments. In general, Xeljanz has been proven to be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. So if your condition warrants prescription-grade medication and you have tried other treatments with limited or no success, then it may be worth investing in Xeljanz.

In terms of expenses, Xeljanz does not come cheap. However, depending on your insurance plan or other financial aid options available in your region, you may be able to reduce the cost of this medication significantly or even get reimbursed for some of the costs. It’s also important to consider that sometimes the extra money spent can provide additional benefits such as faster symptom relief or fewer side effects when compared to alternative medications. Ultimately, only you can decide if the benefits outweigh the costs of Xeljanz, but it’s always best to consult with a medical professional before making a final decision.

What is the Average Cost of Xeljanz in Different Countries

Xeljanz is a medication for the cure of rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and psoriatic arthritis. It works by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune system. The average cost of Xeljanz varies from country to country based on factors such as the availability of generic drugs and local healthcare prices.

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In the United States, Xeljanz is typically prescribed in two different forms – a once-a-day pill or an injection. The average cost of the pill form is around $1,800 per month while the injection costs around $1,400 per month. These prices are based on cash prices without insurance coverage.

In Canada, the average price for a pack of 30 pills is between CAD$700 and CAD$900 while an injection costs between CAD$400 and CAD$500 per month. In Europe, depending on which country you’re in, you can expect to pay between €250 and €700 for one month’s supply of Xeljanz.

The average cost of Xeljanz in Australia ranges from AUS$ 550 for a 30-pill pack to AUS$ 750 for an injection each month. In New Zealand, it usually costs NZD$600 per month for either form of Xeljanz (pills or injections).

Finally, in India, you can find Xeljanz at a much lower cost than in many other countries due to the generic versions available there. For example, generic versions of Xeljanz are sold at an average price of INR 130 (about US$1.77) per pill or INR 1090 (about US$14.80) per injection vial or cartridge.

How Can We Reduce The Cost Of Xeljanz

Unfortunately, the high cost of this medication makes it difficult to achieve. But fortunately, there are ways to reduce the cost of Xeljanz without compromising its effectiveness. Read all the points carefully to get the maximum benefit from this article.

1. One way to reduce the cost of Xeljanz is to look for generic versions of the drug. Generic versions of the drug are often much cheaper than brand-name versions and have been found to be just as effective in treating arthritis and ulcerative colitis symptoms. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about switching from the brand name Xeljanz to a generic version if possible.

2. Another option for reducing the cost of Xeljanz is to apply for assistance programs that may be available through your insurance provider or state government. Many pharmaceutical companies offer patient assistance programs that can provide free or discounted prices on prescription medications like Xeljanz, so check with your insurance provider or local health department to see if you qualify for any such programs.

3. It’s also possible to save money on Xeljanz by shopping around online pharmacies and comparison-shopping between different retailers in order to find the best price available on the medication you need. Don’t forget that you can also use coupons or discount cards when purchasing medications at your local pharmacy as well, which could potentially help you save even more money on Xeljanz prescriptions over time.

4. Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist any questions you might have about possible ways you could save money on Xeljanz prescriptions in your area; they may have additional tips and tricks that could help you reduce your costs significantly over time!

Frequently Ask Question

Is Xeljanz a high-risk medication?

Yes, Xeljanz is a high-risk medication because of its potential to increase the risk of blood clots and other serious side effects. It is important to talk to your doctor about any risks associated with taking Xeljanz before starting the medication.

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What is the success rate of Xeljanz?

The success rate of Xeljanz varies depending on the condition it is used to treat. In clinical trials for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ulcerative colitis, Xeljanz was found to reduce pain and swelling in some patients after 12 weeks. Up to 54% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis saw an improvement in their symptoms. Up to 40% of patients with psoriatic arthritis saw improvements in their symptoms. Lastly, up to 79% of patients with ulcerative colitis saw a reduction in inflammation in the colon.

How much do Xeljanz tablets cost?

The cost of Xeljanz tablets varies depending on the country and form (pill or injection) chosen. In Canada, the average price for a pack of 30 pills is between CAD$700 and CAD$900 while an injection costs between CAD$400 and CAD$500 per month. In Europe, depending on which country you’re in, you can expect to pay between €250 and €700 for one month’s supply of Xeljanz.

The average cost of Xeljanz in Australia ranges from AUS$ 550 for a 30-pill pack to AUS$ 750 for an injection each month. Finally, in India, you can find Xeljanz at a much lower cost than in many other countries due to the generic versions available there. For example, generic versions of Xeljanz are sold at an average price of INR 130 (about US$1.77) per pill or INR 1090 (about US$14.80) per injection vial or cartridge.

What cancers does Xeljanz cause?

Xeljanz has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in some cases. It is possible that Xeljanz may increase the risk of certain types of malignancies such as skin and lymphoma cancers, particularly in people with a weakened immune system. However, more research is needed to confirm this potential link.

Final Thoughts

We’ve all asked ourselves why Xeljanz is so expensive. It’s almost like it costs an arm and a leg! But, why is that? The answer may surprise you.

Its cost reflects the fact that Xeljanz is a patented medicine, meaning it can only be produced by its original manufacturer. Pharmaceutical companies have to adhere to stringent regulations from both national governments and international organizations. This can add significantly to their overhead costs as well as delays in getting medications approved for sale on the market.

Finally, there are also marketing costs associated with selling drugs like Xeljanz. Pharmaceutical companies often spend millions of dollars on television ads and other promotions in order to increase awareness about their products.

So, next time you wonder why Xeljanz is so expensive – now you know! Although it may seem like an unfair burden on patients in need of this medication, understanding the underlying factors at work can help us recognize that there’s actually more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.


Adam Davis